EWGA Westchester is teaming up with Elisa Gaudet, author of Two Good Rounds, to present a fun, informative after-work event for women golfers (or women who want to be golfers). You'll rotate through four instructional stations to learn everything you need to know about golf attire, etiquette, basic rules, terminology and how you can get easily involved in the game of golf. There will also be a fun putting competition!
No clubs or golf attire is required--and you don't have to be an EWGA member! The informative indoor session will be followed by an open wine, beer and soda bar and hors d'oeuvres and the opportunity to network with other like minded professional women. Admission is just $25. All attendees will receive a gift and Elisa Guadet will speak about the game and be available for book signings.
For more information, visit EWGAWestchester.com.
Among many other books, Dave Donelson is the author of Weird Golf: 18 tales of fantastic, horrific, scientifically impossible, and morally reprehensible golf
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